We understand that your privacy is important so we want to assure you that your information is safe with us. We collect data from families in order to ensure we have the correct geographical and medical data required to transport your child safely to and from school. This information is also shared with our school bus operators and then with individual drivers so they have the information they need on the bus. Geographical data is collected in order for us to set up bus stops and runs to get your child to and from school. Contact information is important so that we can get in touch with you in the event an issue arise on the bus or if we have important information to share with you. Medical/personal data is provided so that the drivers understand who is on their bus as a means to react to medical emergencies better or simply to be able to communicate with your child in way that best works with their special needs.

Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), and camera systems may be in use on school buses as well. These systems are intended to improve the level of service we are able to provide to our students and families. GPS allows us to know where the bus is while on route. RFID may be used to assist in contact tracing and ensuring students board and de-board the correct buses at the correct stops. Cameras can be used in a variety of ways including capturing red light runners, 360 degree coverage to ensure students are out of the danger zones before the vehicle is engaged, and monitoring behaviour and student / driver interaction on the bus and at the bus stop. This data is collected and stored for 30 days at which time it is overwritten if not used. If required for any authorized uses, then the data will be kept for one year. The information is stored on a password protected device or cloud setting within a secured firewall environment.

Personal information is collected under the authority of the Education Act, section 190, and in compliance with sections 14, 31, and 32 of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Privacy Act and will be used for the purposes of student transportation services and safety measures and shared with authorized staff and/or medical personnel. In case of emergency, permission is hereby given to release the above information to a medical practitioner. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Assistant Manager, Student Transportation at 270 Cherokee Blvd,  Toronto, Ontario M2H 3B9, 416-394-4287, transportation@torontoschoolbus.org.